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Rolando # 3 Block 23 Card 1

ROLANDO # 3 BLOCK 23 CARD 1.tif ROLANDO UNIT NO. 3 BLOCK 23 Card # Lots 1, 17, 18 & 19- Permit to L.A. Gilman to excavate 5,000 cu yd be removed from property; W side Alamo Dr betw University Ave & Madrid Res. 8527 of soi 1 to Dr; Condi. 10-13-54--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1, Blk 23- Permit to Mark & Sarah V. Uselton to constr single fam res w/10' SB on Alamo Dr & 8 1 SB on Malcolm Dr. Res. 8735 ~ 2-2-55 Lot 17, B 1 k 23 SB on Alamo Dr. Lot 18, B 1 k 23 SB on Alamo Dr. Lot 19, Blk 23 SB on Alamo Dr. Permit to Mark & Sarah V. Uselton to constr single fam res w/10' Res. 8736 2-2-55 Permit to Mark & Sarah V. Uselton to constr single fam res w/10' Res. 8737 2-2-55 Permit to Mark & Sarah V. Uselton to constr single fam res w/10' Res. 8738 2-2-55 Lots 8, 9, 10 & 11- Permit to B. B. Margolis, Owner, & R. T. Skwarek, Lessee, to constr 5 1 x 10 1 interior lited, 2 face, pole sign, supporting post obs 22' SB from curb; Condi; sign proj 5' over public property where 25' SB is req; but DENIED 0 1 which was req; 6602 University Ave, NE corner Aragon Dr; Zone C. Case No. 4667 1-25-62 6-26-62- Ext. to exp. 1-25-63