Rolando Park #4 Card 1
ROLANDO PARK #4 CARD 1.tif ROLANDO PARK UNIT#4 Lot 393- Permit to J.B. & Lillian S. Riley to maintain exist room with 6 1 rear yd, total area 580 sq. ft. at 6559 Zena Dr. Rif&-8393.;t1 CARD #1, outdoor liv rm att to stor 8-4-54 Lot 392- Permit to Leslie Loy to install snower, bath & utility rm in exist acc. bldg., 20' x 39' and maintain approx 6 1 rear yd at 6555 Zena Dr. Res-8820 3-30-55 Lot 356- Permit to Rita Young to convert exist gar att to duplex to use as medical lab for 2 yrs ending 6-30-63, no employees no signs, 3540 CollegeAve betw Meridian & Lemarand Aves, Zone R-4. Cond'l. c-4058 5-5-61 2 yr ext to expire 6-30-65 2 yr ext to exp 6-30-67 {6-16-65) 2 Yl'ext to expire 6-30-69 (6-22-67) Lots 350-351- Permit to Robert & Doris May Hutchinson, Owners Lot 351 and College Grove Soutnern Baptist cnurcn, Furch Lot 351 & Owner Lot 350 to dev Lots 351 & 350 for addnl cnurch parking contiguous to exist cnurcn on Lot 353, Classrm bldg on Lot 354, & Present J parking on Lot 352, said addnl cnurcn parking to be located on Lots 351 & 350 at 6504 & '6508 Lemarand Ave. Zone R-1-5. Condl. (See Agree #1481 (6-14-67)) ~ 6-1-67 Ext to expire 6-1-70 (5-26-69) Ext to exp 6-1-69- Ext to exp 6-1-71~70) Ext to expire 6-1-72 (5-28-71) Ext to exp 12-1-72 (6-1-72)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 392- Leslie & Eunice Loy- install shower, batn, & utillty room in exist accessory bldg 20' x 39' Res. 8820 AGREE #834 3-30-55