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Development Services

Rolando Park # 4 Card 2

ROLANDO PARK # 4 CARD 2.tif ROLANDO PARK UNIT NO. 4 {)... #2 e Lot J62- Permit to Jon D. Beaman to (C-8479) const 6-unit apt dwell with park in front to obs 710 11 from face of curb where 18 1 from face of curb is req; and (C-8500) erect approx 16 1 of solid retaining wall with handrail on top for a max height of 7' obs from 7' to 15 1 front yd where a 3 1 high retaining wall with 3 1 open fence on top is perm in rer;_ 15 1 front yd at 3516 College Ave. betw Keridian Ave. & Ryan n.d., Zone R-4. Cases No. 8479 and 8500 12-20-67-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot J78- TABLED- Barney & Claire Frine, Jr. to convert & add on to the exist attached gar for constr of 2-story dwell obs 8~ rear yd where 101 is req & to provide a total of 4 park spaces for pro; osed:i unit apart bldg two s~ aces tc replace spaces in exist gar prop for conversion, three s,_aces in frnt yd to obs 4' from curb line wnere 13 1 is re,:;. at.3559 College Ave betw Meridian Ave. & iiyan rid Zcne rl.-1. C-8953 & 8954 11-1-68 Lot 378- AMENDED- to provide a total of 2 pkg sps obs O' frnt yd wnere pkg must obs no less tnan 3' from prop line; proposed pkg sps to replace sps in gar made inaccessible by swimming pool in driveway, 3559 College Ave. betw Meridian Ave. & Ryan Rd, R-4. c-8954 8/20/69----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 356 Rita,.Arm1t. aDll J'red G. Youns, Ovaers aa4 Bugene P. 01.adya 'f. Siekerka, Purcn requeatec! permission to convert portion o'f 'frcnt helling unit ot duplex to ctliropl'&tic otfice ancl to provide 2 spaces wbere.,._ parking apacea are required at 35" College Ave. betw Mltridan Ave and Let&raraad.Ave. Zone R-lt- ..-:& t:AlfellfmH'!ell. 5-8-72 C-11154 Pilel 3 a3:,a----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------