Rose Hill Manor Card 1
ROSE HILL MANOR CARD 1.tif 'ROSE HI LL MANOR \(o CARD #1 Lot 3- Permit DENIED by ZA to ANTONIO ANO PEGGY MUSTO to maintain approximately 40'-0" (with a 14'-0" wide gate) of 2 1-811 retaining wall, with a 41-011 high maximum chain 1 ink fence on top, for an overal 1 height of 6 1-811 observing a OJ:0" front yard where a maximum 3'-0" high retaining wall with a 3'-0" high open fenc'f1n top is the maximum permitted in the required 15'-0" front yard, located at 6325 Delbarton Street, Zone R-1-5. C-18437 NH 5-31-84