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Development Services

Rosecrans Park Block 1

ROSECRANS PARK BLOCK 1.tif BGSECRANS PARK BLOCK If l,._,. Lots 13, 14, Blk 1- AGREEMENT #1268 to Allen & Henrietta Dame- bdrm & bath in gar,1115 Savoy St., 9/11/63 Lot 8- Chester C. & Al ice E. Crill to teach piano in exist sing fam dw;I betw 8 a.m. & 9 p.m. Mon-Fri and Sat from 9 a.m.- 6 p.m., I student at a time, max JO students/day, at 1130 Catalina Blvd, Zone R-1-5. CUP c-13960 11-16-76 LOT 20- GREGORY S. & RACHEL P. THOMAS- To constr. a 579 sq. ft. addition to existing nenconforming garage to observe a 3'-0" side yard where 4 1-011 side is req.- Block 2, Map No. 1378, at 1141 Moana Drive, Zone R-1-5. Conditions C-18360 APPROVED 3-28-84 I.ot 5, Blk.. 1, Map 1378, ZA denied variance requested by OONAID CORREIA, CWNER, but approved (1) 88'0" of retaining wall and fence along northerly interior lot line to a maximum height of 8'9"/ (2) 108'0" of retaining wall and fence along southerly interior lot line to a max. hgt of 8 1 611 subject to conditions at west side of Catalina Blvd. between La Paloma St. and Varona St. in Rl-5000 zone. C-19618 7-28-87 Lot 15- AGREEMENT with JAMES B. BRYANT to maintain a lower level with two bedrooms & full bath with outside acCf!SS & interior access through a stairway into the kitchen, at 1121 Savoy St., Rl-5000 zone. Agree If 3935 12/22/87