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Rosemont Addn. Resub. To Encanto Heights Card 3

ROSEMONT ADDN. RESUB. TO ENCANTO HEIGHTS CARD 3.tif.,":'f!.., JtOSlll)IT ADDITIOlf 'fO EICAll'l'O DICJll'l'S Card # I,..... ~Portit> n ot Lot 4t- AGREEMENT #1018 to Rut M. Olson to construct 6 tt. by 30 tt. structure to be used as a dog kennel on a bacant lot 2/24/59 Portion of Lot 3- ~GREEMENT if752 to Halter & Jean M. Lewindowski to construct sin fqm res on Sly 120. feet., measured on Wly lot line of Lot 3, eve E1;;c 20 ft., Res 6095 1/22/52 Lot 2t--Por-_- P;r~ It to R.-k i El j;;beth M Ri;"i,~r=-ds~n- t~-;r-;ct 4,-chain-link fe-;;c;- i-;; fr~nt of SB line on both Klauber & Chicadee, 1514 Klauber Ave. Res 6978. 11-12-52 Por Lot 42- Permit to Leonard & Vella Beachley to const 20' x 21' fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwe 11; addn to obs at c 1st pt 8' 811 rearyd where 25' req, 6405 EI der St., Zone R-1- 5, cond '1 c-13330 10-11-75 Lot 49- AGREEMENT to Herman & Jessie Mae Woods to construct a sin fam dwell w/bar sink in family at 6559 Eider St., Zone R-1-15. AGREE #2229 12-20-76 Lot 57- AGREEMENT to Richard J. Becker, Jr. to convert exist dwell to guest house & move on new sin fam dwell, Zone 6470 Scimitar Dr. AGREE #2313 10-21-77---------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 25- Permit to Samuel E. & Evelyn M. Smith to erect 85' of concrete block ret wall 4' high and a lamp on top of one post I' high res in a height of 5 1 obs a 0 1 front yard at 1219 Wren Street. R-1-20 Zone. Condition. C-15566 NH. 10-27-78.--------------------..-..------------------------.-------------..--..----------------