Rosemont Addn. Resub. To Encanto Heights Card 4
ROSEMONT ADDN. RESUB. TO ENCANTO HEIGHTS CARD 4.tif 7 ROSEMONT ADDITION TO ENCANTO HEIGHTS Card #4 Lot 12- Permit to Ray J. Noble to constr (1) 2-bedroom & bath addit to exist single fam dwel I, add it to obs a 6 1 611 frontyd where 25' req and (2) a 5' x 31' x3:-l/2 high deck add it to obs a 41 int sideyd where 81 reqd., at 6383 Scimitar Dr, zone R-1-20. Cond. c-15699 1/19/79 East one-half and west one-half of Lot 34- Permit APPROVED BY A2A to Lloyd M. Burden, (east one-half); Elaine Y. Burden, (west one-half), to construct a single-family dwelling observing all yard and parking requirements on each lot, with vehicular access across both parcels for each lot, where direct access to a street or alley is required, on east one-half and west ne-half of lot 34, at (6340)Eider Street, zone R=1=15. Condition_s. 0..,"0"\..JL..,,- ' D-..,, (6350) Case 16611 3-12-80 Lot 46- AGREEMENT to RICHARD JOSEPH BECKER to construct a two-story, 12-bedroom house with kitchen, dining room, living room and two lounges, with accessory structure with workshop, storage and laundry, at 6479 Eider Street, Zone R-1-15. AGREEMENT #2663 5-11-81 Lot 21, except the southerly 57'- Permit APPROVED by ZA to LYMAN D. AND DOROTHEA F. PADRICK to remodel and enlarge one unit of nonconforming duplex, at 1544 and 1546 Klauber Avenue, Zone R-1-10. Conditions. C-17545 2-19-82