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Rosemont Addn. Resub. To Encanto Heights Card 8

ROSEMONT ADDN. RESUB. TO ENCANTO HEIGHTS CARD 8.tif ROSEMONT ADDITION TO ENCANTO HEIGHTS 'I CARD 116 Lots 21 & 22, Resub. Por.- ZA DENIED CUP/Variance request for amendment requested by ALICIA C. HUEY to construct a guest house on lot with single-family dwelling, obs, all yards, where guest quarters are permitted by CUP only, applicant requests amendement to maintain, currently in violation: (1) a 200 sq. ft. addition to said guest quarters where such add, is permitted by CUP amendment only; (2) said addition obs, a 1'-7" front yard on Chickadee Street where 20' is required; (3) a storage shed obs, a 2 1 side yard where a 6 1 is required; (4) a storage shed obs, a 5 1 side ya-d where 6' os required; (5) a 9'8" high solid fence within the side yard where a max. height of 91 is permitted, provided the top 3 1 is 50% open in compliance with design criteria; and (6) a 6' high solid fence within the front yard on Klauber St. where a max. height of 6' is permitted provided the top 3' is 50% open in compliance with design criteria, LOCATED AT 1530 Klauber St.,SF-10,000 Zone, Southeast San Diego Planned District. C-19063 2/21/92 BZA OVERTURNED ZA decision to DENY and partially grants appeal of ALICIA C, HUEY, APPROVING requests No. 1 & 2 and uPHELD ZA's decision to DENY requests NO. 3 thru 6. CONDITIONS. C-19063 5/6/92 Lot 83- ZA APPROVED CUP/Variance request of RONALD GENE SEIDLER, A SEPARATE PROPERTY REVOCABLE TRUST, to maintain the following, currently in violation: (1) a detached, one- story guest quarters on a lot improved with a two-story single-family dwelling, where such use is permitted by CUP only; and (2) two detached greenhouse structures obs, a 6' side yard at the closest point where 8 1 is required, located at 6310 Scimitar Drive, SF-20,000 Zone, Southeast San Diego Planned District, Conditions. C-20980 7/31/92