Roseville Block 100
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 100.tif ROSEVILLE Lots llJ_& 12 , Lots 11 & 12 (N. 50') Lot 2 Block 100 Permit to H. w. Holcomb & Fred O"Farrell to erect two dwellings, 15':from Lowell & Willow, SE cor. in Zone R-1 to face Willow St. Res 68603 12-6-38 Permit DENIED to Rose M. Mayer to constr res w/ a 10 1 SB on Lowell St. Res 72242 9-17-40 Permit to Mrs. C. M. Crone (as amended) to erect approx 69 1 of 3' hi redwood fence on top of exist blk wall approx 5 1 hi, 3236 Keats; R-1-5. C-8834 8-20-68 LOTS 11 &12 PERMIT APPROVED by ZA to ANN M. McMENOMY to construct an addition to a single-family dwelling (1) addition to observe a 4'-0'' front yard wher~ a 15 1-0'' front yard is required (e~isting dwelling observes a 4 1-0" front on Willow Street)- location NE 50 feet of Lots 11 &12,3245 Lowell Street, Rl-5000 zone. C-20531 APR 20,1990