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Development Services

Roseville Block 116 Card 2

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 116 CARD 2.tif ROSEVILLE BLOCK 116 Lot 5- Permit to Cintas Dev Corp. at 3200 Block of Macaulay St. betw Evergreen & Willow, to provide auto access to a 4-story 10-unlt condo dev located In the R-3 Zone across an R-1-5 lot. Condit.. f.i,:l_~~--~B--J~_i.:1?.;_0_-_L:Z..:J_0}-Lf:lh-~-~~~j_-..&.:-_~~4{~~:.~Q:~ Lots 9- 12- AGREEMENt to BETTY TATE to mai;('ain bar sink and small refrigerator in recreation room off Newell Street, Zone R-3. Located at 1770 Evergreen Street. AGREEMENT #2648 3-15-81 Lot 9-16- AGREEMENT with Betty R. Tate to maintain bar sink, small refrigerator, and 1/2 bath with tiled shower stall without plumbing in recreation room/office on Newell Street side of property, at 1770 Evergreen Street. (Revision of A-2648 dated 3/15/81). Zone R-1000 Agreement# A-5133 9-18-91