Roseville Block 118 Card 2
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 118 CARD 2.tif.. " R'OSEV ILLE Block 118 Card #2 lr" Portion of Lots 6 & &, Map 165- Permit to Jack E. & Janet M. Lindsay to constr a one & 2- story addn to existing I-story SFD: 1)2-car garage, fam. room, entryway & snd-story bedroom to observe an 8 1 front yard at closest point where 15' is reqd; & 2) 2nd-story balcony to obs. a 3' front yard where 15' is reqd., zone R-1-5._Q_gyU;;YJ-;cle..cL___ 'g ~;;?cj-E(/_________________ C-17301________________ 7 / 17/81----------