Roseville Block 12 Card 3
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 12 CARD 3.tif ROSEVILLE BLOCK 12 f I,\!l/, CARD #3 Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10- AGREEMENT to CALIFORNIA FIRST BANK to maintain commercial"(" building on Lots 8, 9, 10 (CA Zone), providing a portion of required parking on Lots 5, 6 (R-4) and 7 (CA), at 2919 Shelter Island Drive, Zone CA and R-4. AGREEMENT #2769 4-8-82 Lot 3- ZA APPROVED request of CALIFORNIA FIRST BANK CORP to remove approx. 90' of 3 '7" sol id wall & provide no wall as replacement along south interior side yd separating "C" Zone property (used as a parking Jot) from R-400 zoned property (also used as a parking Jot) where a minimum of 6 1 high sol id fence is reqd at 2930 Addison St., Zone CA, with cond., C-18735 8/21/85 Lots 4,5 & 6- ZA considered request of CALIFORNIA FIRST BANK CORP to use three lots in the R-400 zone as a parking lot to serve a restaurant to be constructed on the 3 Jots adjacent to the north; seven parking spaces to observe a 0' street side yd where 10' street side yd where 1,000 sq. ft. of landscaping is reqd; to provide O sq. ft. of landscaping in the front yd where 2,250 sq. ft. of landscaping is reqd.; & 5' to 6 1 trash enclosure in front, yd where no structure over 3 1 is permitted at 2900 block of Addison St., North side of Addison 'St. & Scott, Zone R-400; and, DENIED as requested, BUT APPROVED Items #I & 4, with conds, c-18866 8/16/85 I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------