Roseville Block 12 Card 4
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 12 CARD 4.tif ROSEVILLE BLOCK 12 {1,~-- fJ1 ~,l Lots 7,8; & 9- ZA considered amended variance request of CALIFORNIA FIRST BANK for construc- tion of a 2-story, 10,069 sq. ft. restaurant 1) 10' of restaurant observing a 5' to 10' front yd where a 10' front yd is reqd.; 2) 10 1 of restaurant to observe 5 1 to JO' street side yd where a 10' street side yd is reqd; 3) 65' of restaurant to observe 7' rear yd & 30' of the restaurant to observe 12' rear yd where 15' rear yard is reqd; 4) 1,327 sq. ft. of landscap- ing ~eing provided where 1,352 sq. ft. of landscaping is reqd, in the front yd.; 5) 583 sq. ft. of landscaping being provided where I,000 sq. ft. of landscaping is reqd. in the street side yd; 6) no 6 1 hi wall being provided at rear yd. as reqd when rear lot ling abuts residentially zoned property; & 7) 6 parking spaces being provided where 40 parking spaces are reqd (balance of parking to be provided on three residentially zoned lots adjacent to the south proposed by CUP #18866) at 2929 Shelter Island Drive, zone CA, & has DENIED as requested, but APPROVED Items 3,6 & 7, subj to conds. C-18867 8/16/85 Lots 4,5 & 6- ZA considered the request of CALIFORNIA FIRST BANK CORP. 1) to use three lots in the R-400 zone as a parking lot to serve a restaurant to b constructed on the 3 lots ad- jacent to the north; 2) 7 parking spaces to observe a 0 1 street side yd where a 10 1 street side yd is reqd; 3) 13 parking spaces to observe a 0' front yd where a 15' front yd is reqd; 4) to provide O sq. ft. of landscaping in the street side yd where 1,000 sq. ft. of land- scaping is reqd; 5) to provide O sq. ft. of landscaping in the front yd where 2,250 sq. ft. of landscaping is reqd; ~ 6) 5' to 6 1 trash enclosure in front yd where no structure ove 3' is permitted at the 2900 block of Addison Street, north side of Addison & Scott, zone R-400 c, DENIED AS REQUESTED but APPROVED ltems#/-.S, subj to conds.. C-18866 8/16/85