Roseville Block 121 Card 2
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 121 CARD 2.tif ROSEVILLE BLOCK 121 ({Qr:, i> a> S,~ Lot 11- Due to street closure, enlarging lot, there was no need for variance, c-16290 CARD #2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1- ZA DENIED as requested the variance sought by Florence R. Medina but APPROVED with conditions to (1) construct two sections of cement block retaining wall, totalling 36'0" in length (30'0" located within the right of way) varying in height from 6'0" to B'O" without horizontal separations (2) 78 1 0" of crib wall, 44'0" within the public right of way and 29 1 0" with in the front yard to a height varying between 8 1 0" and 12'0" portion of crib wall, S'O" in height to be located in the front yard within the visibility area, located at 3246 Newell St., Rl-5000 zone. C-20207 3-14-89