Roseville Block 132 Card 1
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 132 CARD 1.tif ROSEV!LU Lot 10 Lot 10 Lot 10 & SE Lot 11 Card. Permit to Louise Rose Cardoza to constr sgle fam res & gar w/5' SB on S side Poe St, 100' E of Willow. Res 6119 1-23-52 Permit to above for same constr obs 10' RY Res 6120 1-23-52 Permit to Harry M. & Ethelene Baugh to constr sgle fam res & gar, S-202 3-5-54 BWly Lot 11, all Permit to Louise Rose Cardoza to constr sgle fam res & gar, of Lot 12 S-203 3-5-54 Lot 10 & SEly Lot 11 Permit to Harry M. & Ethelene Baugh to constr res w/10' SB on Poe betw Evergreen & Willow. Res 8188 5-12-54 Lot 12 & Nly 25 of 11, Permit DENIED to Chick & Oma J. Kanaly to constr res w/4' SB on Poe (15' req) but GRANTED perm to obs 10' SB on Poe & 4 SB on Willow, w/ finished floor not more than 3' above SW, Sly cor Poe & Willow Sts, R-1 Lot 7 Lot 8 Res 9151 9-14-55 Cond'l perm to Alden J & Fay A. Fulkerson to constr res & gar, w/10' RY where 20 1 req, on Poe St betw Willow & Evergreen, R-1. C-340 3-16-56 Permit to A. J. Fulkerson to constr sgle fam res & gar, obs 10' req) & ma.king 53i covge (40~ perm) W of 3205 Poe St betw Willow green, R-1 C-2321 To obs 15' SB (apprx 18' Req) C-2320 RY (25 & Ever- 2-20-59 2-20-59