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Development Services

Roseville Block 132 Card 2

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 132 CARD 2.tif ROSEVILLE Lot 5 Lot 9 Lot 9-;)-~ Card Permit to Bud A. & Helen K. Ledbetter to constr sgle fam res over gar obs 15'3" HY {20' req) & covge approx 51'1, of pare (40'1, perm) 3212 Oliphant St. R-1. C-4452 10-13-61 Permit to R. W. & Patricia Kieffer- DENIED 0 1 frnt yd but APPRVED 10' frnt yd (2) DENIED the 1'6" SY; (3) APPRVED amended req for a 10 1 RY (4) DENIED the 52'1, covge but APPVD max cov of 5oi, cond'l, C-8919 10-29-68 Permit to Henry and Marie Louise Kent to constr a two-story, sin fam dwell obs 16 111t" rear yd, where 20' is req and to erect 18' of 8' hi ret wall por obs 0' front yd where max 3' wall is perm in req 15' front yd at 3223 Poe St betw Willow and Evergreen Sts,; Zone R-1-5; condl. C-10339 N.H. 2-12-71--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 9 Permit to Henry & Marie Louise Kent to. constr. stair-way in frunt and side yard, platform to be 61 max. above grade with 42" ralling on top, where 3' max. height is permitted. Zone R-1-5, (N.H.) C-11833 3-1-73 Portion Lots 1 and Lot 2- Permit to Kurt A. & Diane J. MEER, APPROVED by ZA, (1) to construct a 2-story single-family dwelling observing all yards but resulting in 40.16% lot coverage and.63 floor area ratio where maximum 40% coverage and.6 FAR is permitted; (2) erect 15' of retaining wall ranging from 6 1 to 11-1/2 1 high with 2 1611 open railing on top where maximum 3 1 hi~h retaining wall with 3 1 high railing is permitted in a 15 1 front yard and a maximum 6 wal 1 is permitted in a 4 1 interior side yard at 3200 Block Oliphant- 3240, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. ' CASE NO. 1642! NH l0-24-79