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Development Services

Roseville Block 132 Card 3

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 132 CARD 3.tif R.OSEVILLE BLOCK 132 CAR.D #3 Lot 10 and the southeast 1/2 of Lot 11- Pemiit APPROVED by ZA to KATHLEEN FOX & F, PATRICIA CULLEN to erect approximately 120 1 of solid block retaining wall ranging in height from 10' to 12', observing O' front yard, rear yard and side yard, wheee maximum 3' to 6 1 wall is permitted, at 3233 Poe Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-17719 NH 8-9-82 Lot 9- AGREEMENT with HENRY KENT to enlarge an existing second story living room & deck; existing second story includes a sink, kitchen & outside access at3223 Poe St., Zone Rl-5000. Agreement #3371-A 10/1/85-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1- ZA APPROVED request of ROBERT C. & SHIRLEY H. WILSON to maintain (1) 26'7" of 6' tall masonry wall observing, at closest point a O' front yard; & (2) 37'7" of 10'4", at highest point, wall encroaching a max. of 2 1 into public right-of-way at the NE corner of Willow St. & Oliphant St. in the Rl-5000 zone with conds. C-19544 5/14/87-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 3 & 4- ZA APPROVED with conditions Items 1 & 2 of the variance sought by Richard R. Redlin and Gary M. Walker to (1) maintain a converted garage used as an excerise room and (2) said exercise room to observe a 0 1 611 side yard where 41 0" is required and a 10'0" front yard where 25 1 0" is required, but MODIFIED Ietm 3 to provide two off-street parking spaces in the front yard observing a 5 1 0" front yard where 15'0" is required, and PARTIALLY APPROVED with conditions Items 4, 5, & 6, located at 3224 Oliphant Street, R2-5000 zone. C-20266 5-26-89