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Development Services

Roseville Block 152

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 152.tif ROSEVILLE,.. Lots 7 & K Lot 8 Permit to Ed:w. s. Hope to erect res & gar-w/10 1 SB on Stearne St. Res b> 345 12-29-36 NEly 75' Lots 7 & Permit to Geo. A. & Jeanette Nelson to constr addn to exist res, 2022 8 Willow St & obs 5' SB from Stearne St for addn. Res. 1450 4-11-46 SWly 75 1 Lots 5 & Permit DENIED to Fiedler K. Lutes to erect an addn to liv rm of exist rea, 6 exc NW 5' Lot 5 addn to have 10' SB at 2004 Willow St. Res. 5253 1-24-51 Lot 9 Permit DENIED William L. & Annette K. Frank to maint 173 aq. ft. all alum carport obs 8" SY where 4 1 is req, 3319 Sterne St, 125 1 NW of Willo-w St, R-1 Zone. c-6009 10-11-63 Lot 2- AGREE with Steven Morgan & Carolyn Spinner to construct a bathroo~ addition to an existing bedroom; bathroom has separate outside access; existing bedroom leads to hallway which connects the living room. at 3336 Russell St. Zone rl-5000_______________________________________ AGREE_#_3881_______ 12/15/87_________ [Lot 2 ZA has DINIED Carolyn M. Spinner & Steven G. Morgan- the variance to construct a 280 sq. ft. addition to an existing one-car garage to observe a O 1-0" front yard where a 15'-0" front yard is required. Located at 3336 Russell Street, Map 165, Rl~SOOO zone, Airport Approach overlay Zone, 30'-0" Coastal Height Limit Zone, Proposition "D" Height Limitation Area. C-19798 12/4/87