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Development Services

Roseville Block 153 Card 2

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 153 CARD 2.tif ROOEVI1LE BLOCK 153 5 Card ~ Permit to Earnest R. & Josephine Anderson to const dwell & att gar obs) 16 11 st side yd on Willow St. where 10 1 is req, and with.front porch obs 7' front yd on Russell St. where 15 1 is req, in the 2000 block of Willow St. at its intersection with Russell St., the SE cor, Lot 1 & N'ly i Lot 2 (per S-619), Zone R-1-5, Cond 11. Case No. 8466 12-22-67 Lot 10 & SE of Lot 11- Z.A. considered appl of Meredith & Emily Moser to (1) construct ain fam dwell with att gar obs a 5' SB in front where a 10' SB is estab; (2) erect approx 35' of vertical wood siding fence 61 hi on property line, where a max 3' high fence is perm within a 10' estab SB at the 3200 block Sterne St., betw Willow & Evergreen Sts., and has (1) APPROVED (2) DENIED as req but APPROVED 5' hi fence obs O' SB, Zone R-1-5. C-9293 5-28-69 Lot 2 exc NW 25' and all of Lot 3- Hearing Officer considered the request of Occidental Ram Construction Co. (1) to constr sin fam dwell with entry bridge ranging in ht from 12' to 20 1 (which also extends into public right of way) obs a O' front yard where 15' is req (2) access to required parking to be taken from a 15' wide private easement where access from a dedicated street is req (3) bldg ht to be 38' where max 30 1 is perm, at 3232 Russel] St. betw Evergreen and Willow Sts, Zone R-1-5 and has (1) APPROVED (2)APPROVED (3) DENIED req 38 1 high but APPROVED approx 36 1 with max nt of 2' below floor level of residence. cond'l. C-12965 1-16-75------------------------------------------------------------------