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Development Services

Roseville Block 161

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 161.tif ROSEVILLE Lots 3 & 4 It II,;-.> Lots 3 and 4 BLOCK 161 \~ Permit to Chas. H. Benton to constr gar & workshop w/sundeck over workshop, having approx 600 sq ft incl stairway, bldg to obs 5' RY & 4 SY w/1'6" overhang, N side of Sterne St, R-1. Res. 8972 6-8-55 A revocable permit to Chas H. Benton, 2136 Kettner Blvd. to install & maint steps from st to owner's prop, over, under & across sidewall & bank in Sterne .. Removal Agreement, cond'l. Res. 129627 11-8-55 Permit to Robert & Tamara S. Bennett to construct second story addition to existing sin fam dwelling,withLhaico'ly to obs 12' front yard where 15' is required, at 3224 Sterne Street, Zone R-1-5. U-12,630 N.H. 5-17-74