Roseville Block 165
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 165.tif ROOEVILLE Lot 11 " \G, Permit to Frank A. & Vera B, Slama to constr res & gar, w/approx 48i covge where 40i perm, on W side Udall, approx 200' N of Plum St, R-1 C-837 11-2-56 fermit to above to constr res obs 16 1 RY (20' req) on W side of Udall, approx 200 1 N of Plum, R-4. C-903 11-26-56 Lots 12 & 4.98 1 Clove St. clsd adJ & por. Lots 1-3, Pt. Loma Hts. Blk 1) Permit to Mrs. Hilda M. Kaeser, owner; Reill Homes, Inc. (Ralph A. Reill) purch, to adJ lot lines betw Lot 19 Blk 1, Pt. Imna Hts. & Lot 12, Blk 165, as per plat map, where sgle fam res on lot of record is perm; 3446 Tennyson St. (Mrs. Kaeser) & 3400 blk Udall St. (Mr. Reill) R-1, cond'l. C-5751 7-12-63 Above AMENDED 7-12-63 Lots 7 & 8- Permit to Joseph V. & Carlotta Silva to install a bar sink in a 2nd flr addn at 1428 Willow St., Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2404 11-8-78 Lot 10 & 11- Permit APPROVED by ZA to FINEST CITY PROPERTIES to construct a single family dwelling w/ attached 2-car garage; garage to observe 3' front yard where 10 1 is establised & result in 38.5' height where maximum 30' is permitted, at 3200 block Sterne St. Zone R-1-5 C16719 5/15/80