Roseville Block 167 Card 2
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 167 CARD 2.tif ROStVILLE Por. Lot 9- ZA APPROVED house on rear portion of IDSEVILLE BLOCK 167 \ y CARD #2 request of CARLYLE R. CLINE to constr. a 1-story, 340 lot containing a I-story, SFD at 3221 Udall St., Zone C-18658 sq. ft. guest Rl-500, w/cond. 12/14/84 BI.OCK 167 CARD #2 wt 12, Blcx:k 167, Map 165: ZA approved reconstruction pennit sought by JOSEPH J. AND ANN M. WHEELER, SUBJECI' 'ID CONDITIONS at the northeast comer of Tennyson St. and Willow st., Zone RI-5000. C-19640 7-31-87