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Development Services

Roseville Block 172 Card 1

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 172 CARD 1.tif Lot 10 & por Lot ll Por Lots 10 & ll II II Permit to Wm. S. & Hazel Deane Chamness to erect sgle fam res w/5 1 SB on Voltaire St., W. of Rosecrans Res. 4430 2-8-50 Permit to above to erect sgle fam res w/10' RY on Voltaire St., w. of Rosecrans. Res. 4431 2-8-50 Permit to Cecil L. & Maurine E. to constr addn to kitch, exist res obs 10 1 RY & 5' SB perm by Res 4430 & 4431, addn to obs 7 1611 RY, 51 SB, w/421, covge where 20' RY & 40f max cov is perm, 3033 Voltaire St., R-1 C-4809 4-6-62 Por Lots 10-11- Pennit to Wallace & Bernice Van Pelt to constr 2nd floor fam room addn with balcony to exist sin fam dwll; balcony of addn to obs 16 1 rear yard where 20' is req- (c-4809 perm 42'1, cov) at 3033 Voltaire St. betw Rosecrans st and Willow St. Zone R-l-5. C-11791 N.H. 2-9-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1,2,3 and Por 4,10,11,12- Pennit to Mary Ross to install a bar sink in the lower floor recreation room of an exist 2 story sin fam res at 3040 Udall st. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1882 8-20-73 Lots-10-and-ll--Permit-to Wallace and-Bernice Van Pelt to-construct-l6"'"-x70' kitchen remodel and extension to exist sin fam dwell; existing dwell now obs a Sl-6" front yard and extension also to obs a 5'-6" front yard where 15' is req at 3033 Voltaire Street between Willow and Streets, Zone R-1-5 ' C-12,538 4-25-74