Roseville Block 176
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 176.tif ROOEVILLE, Lot 6 Lots 5 & 6 Lot 12 Block 176 Permit to Robert Harris to erect & oper strge rm over exist gar; R-1. Res. 63653 10/22/35 Permit to above to build recr & access bldgs. 2154 Plum St, without req RY and cancellation of agreement req by Res. 63653. Res. 1244 12/20/45 Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Francis D. Huber to constr fam rm, bedrm & bath addn, to exist sgle fam res, attaching to & creating 2nd story addn to exist det gar now conforming to yd reqs, addn will obs yd reqs but will res in exist dw obs 14 1 RY where 20' is req, 2175 Clove St., R-l C-6099 11-20-63 6 mos. Extension granted to above to expire 11-20-64. 5-20-64