Roseville Block 179
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 179.tif Lot 10 Lots 11 & 12 " II Lot 7 Permit to James R. & Dolores tp sgle fam rest addn to obs 3427 Whittier St,, R-1 1 Floyd to constr fam rm & bedrm w/bat;b. addn 16 1 RY (20' req) & 42~ covge {40~ perm) at C-2686 7-16-59 Permit to James I. & Ruth Robinson to constr recr rm & bath addn to exist a sgle fam dw w/attach gar having no direct access to dw; gar exceed 500 sq ft loc partially in frnt 70', obs 9' SY; addn constr across lot lines & obs all yd req. 3443 Whittier St, NOW cor Clove St, R-lN,H. C-4115 5-22-61 AMEND C-4115 to perm exist adobe walls to remain & constr patio roof over on Lot 12, constr swim pool w/dress rm, shower, pool equip rm & loggia on Lot 11, Cond'l 8-24-61 AGREEMENT to-Ralph J and Winifred Grutsch to construct fam rm addn to exist fam dwell with bar sink in proposed fam room; at 2244 Plum St, Zone R-1-5 Agree #1663 1-22-71-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,.-