Roseville Block 188 Card 1
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 188 CARD 1.tif ' '- '.,. ROOEV'ILLE Lots 1-2 Lots 10-12 Lots 5 & 6 f1 " Lot 3 Lots 1-2 ,,,, Card:s1ock 188 Permit to Muriel B. Hazard for res 10' SB on Whittier St. #l / > D......-.., Res. 56893 5-4-37 Permit (condl) to T. Claude Ryan to complete an exist rm over gar at 3141 Xenophon St & use as a rumpus rm w/only 2 1 betw bldgs & 2' SY Res. 912 4-26-45 Permit to William T. Oakes to constr guest rms w/no kitchs & w/no SY & 10 1 RY, most Nly cor of Whittier & Locust Sts. Res. 3260 6-30-48 6 mos extens on above Res. 3607 12-15-48. Permit to Norman D. Ferguson to constr res coving the prop 42i where 40i is perm, Ely side Whittier betw Evergreen & Locust, R-1 C-1832 5-5-58 Permit to T. Claude & Gladys B. Ryan, owners; Cornelius P. & Lile B. Butler, purch, to constr sgle fam res & det gar taking RY opposite Ever- green St, gar built to front PLon Evergreen to obs 0' SY where 5' is req, et NEly cor Whittier & Evergreen Sts, R-l C-4836 Paragr 2 under No. 1 resolut (c-4836) AMENDED 4-~62 4-26-62