Roseville Block 188 Card 2
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 188 CARD 2.tif Lots 11 & 12 Lots 10, 11 & 12 Lots 5 & 6 Card ~ oil Permit to Paul S. & Verna L. Anderson to maint exist free-stnding 6 1 high blk wall obs 0 1 SB on Xenophon St where the avge SB of bllt (11') is req, at 3141 Xenophon St, R-1 C-5319 11-21-62 ~ T. Claude Ryan to rumpus rm w/only 2' betw bldgs AGREEMENT #353 complete an exist rm over a gar & use as & a 2' SY & have applied for Variance. 4-30-45 ZA APPROVED request of WILLIAM J. OAKES, TRUSTEE UNDER THE LOUVENA H. OAKES TRUST to reconstruct and expand an existing, one-story, detached garage (nonconforming within the west, side yard) on a property with an existing residence; said new garage to observe identical, west, side yard of 2'-2'' where 4'-0'' is required; at 3108 Whittier Street, Rl-5000 zone, Airport Approach Overlay Zone, Proposition ''D'' Coastal Height Limitation Zone. C-20416 11-17-89 Lot 11-12- AGREEMENT with Gail Ruhl Emory and Lois Thompson to maintain an existing guest quarters over an existing, detached garage. Guest quarters contains 3/4 bath only, with exterior access to the rear yard and no interior access to the garage at 2275 Evergreen St. Zone Rl-5000 Agreement# A-5112 8-27-91