Roseville Block 191
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 191.tif lOOEVILLE Lot 11 Block 191 Permit to Carl C. Sharp to erect a Porte Cochere to side lot line, Clove & Xenophon, R-1. Res. 65649 3-9-37 Lot 3- Permit to John & Marjorie L:ong to constr. patio addn. to exist. sirigle fam. dwell. resulting in approx. 48.4% coverage where 40% is perm. & obs. 15' rear yard where 20' is req. at 3426 Whittier St/ bet. Clove & Plum Sts. Zone R-1-5. Lot 9- Permit two-story addn lot coverage. C-10554 6-23-71 to Anne F. Wright, Howard J. Barnhorst 11 and Marnie Barnhorst to const a to an exs one-story sfd: (l) to obs a 3' int side yard; (2) to res in 42% 3419 Xenophon Street. R-1-5 Zone. Condition. C-15435 NH. 8-29-78.