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Development Services

Roseville Block 193 Card 1

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 193 CARD 1.tif ROSEVILLE ADDN Lots 5 & 6 Lots 2- 4 & Xenophon St. clsd Block 193 CARD #J Permit to Frances E. Bartlett to erect res & gar w/10 1 SB on Xenophon St. Res 59548 1-16-33 Permit to SD Unif Sehl Dist to constr 60 1 x 80 1 addn to Girls'!llDn at Pt. Loma H.S., rear of 2335 Chatsworth Blvd. Res 3266 6-30-48 Portion of Lots 5 and 6- AGREEMENT to GREGG SINDICI to construct a family room addition on lower level with bar sink to an existing single-family dwelling, located at 2312 Clove Street, Zone R-1-5. AGREEMENT #2941 6-24-83