Roseville Block 207 Card 2
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 207 CARD 2.tif R03EVILLE Lot 6 & SE 10' Lot 5 " " Block 207 (lf t S Card ~ #!2, Permit to Jack W. & Helen B. Brem to build one sgle fam res & gar w/135' frntge on Evergreen St, R-1. S-503 1-6-58 Permit to W, E. Sommer to constr sgle fam res i/att gar obs 5' RY (20' req) & 10 1 SB (15 1 req) on ll:IJXIflXXU Evergreen St betw Xeno- phon & Zola Sta, R-1 C-3969,3970 4-6-61 AMENDED (incl 8 1 cone ret wall 0' SB) 8-25-61 Lots 4,5,9 & 10- ZA APPROVED request of DONALD SANSOME to maintain a 1,104.5 sq. ft. exercise room observing a O' interior side yd where 4 1 is reqd & 0 1 rear yd where 4 1 is reqd at 3223 Zola St., Zone Rl-5000, with conds. c-18803 5/31/85-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Lots 4, 9, 10 and a portion of 5, corrected variance, approved by ZA,,, CONSTANCE L. ROHRER request to provide vehicluar access to required parking at 3223 Zola Street, Rl-5000 Zone C-20713 8-23-91 Lot 4, portion of lot 5, across lot 9, 4, 5, 10 and portion of 5, Access Variance, BZA upheld appeal and overturned ZA's decision, YONGE STREET CANYON COMMITTEE appealed ZA's approval of CONSTANCE L. ROHRER's request to provide vehicular access to required parking at 3223 Zola Street, Rl-5000 Zone. C-20713 11-20-91