Roseville Block 21 Card 1
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 21 CARD 1.tif ROSEVILLE Block 21 Card \..., sw Lots 4-6 Lots 7-8 Lots 11 & 12 \ II II "- sw Lots 7 & 8._ Lot 9 " Constr second sgle faro dwl in R-1 Zone- Permit to A.F. & M.G. Francisco, 2945 Dickens St., constr at Byron & Willow,NW cor Res. 67595 5-17-38 Permit to Victor Goularte, 2836 Byron St., to divide lots for erection of two houses to face Willow St, back 30' on Willow & 10 1 on Carleton St, Res. 70201 10-31-39 Permit to John M. Athaide to build a recreation room at 1229 Plum St w/a 1 1 SY, no por to be used as living qtrs. Res. 734 9-28-44 Permit to John M. & Llireva Athaide, to const an addtn to an exist res. & rumpus rm w/a l' SY, 1229 Plum St. Res. 5120 11-15-50 Permit to Eli J. Schofield to constr res & gar on par split after zoning but prior to 12-5-54, W side Willow betw Byron & Carleton, R-1 C-1231 5-27-57 Permit DENIED to Mr. & Mrs. George Torio to complete a sgle fam dwell now under constr w/dwelling obs a 0' SB where avge of blck is 13 1 0 11- at 3323 Carleton St., 11' NW of Willow, R-1-5 Zone. C-7096 4-30-65 APPEAL DENIED (6-16-65) for