Roseville Block 215
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 215.tif Lots 9 & 10 II II lo Permit to Heller Inv. Co. to divide prop intwo 2 pare & build sgle ram res on eac. Res 1069 8-20-45 Permit to John S. Rogers to conv exist gar wh obs l' RY to fam rm w/bar sink but without bathrm fac, & constr approx 600 sq ft carport,. workshop & storage rm also obs 1 1 RY where min 20' RY is req, 3121 Alcott St, betw Locut & Evergreen Sts, R-1-5, Cond'l. See Agreement No. 1495 C-8245 8-2-67 ZA consid req of above to constr {in lieu of perm granted 8-2-67 to conv exist gar & constr addn) approx 900 sq ft capport, workshop, storage & fam rm obs 1 1 ai where min 20 1 RY is req, & in loc where gar obs l' RY was removed, at 3121 Alcott St, R-1-5, & ~ granted the request, cond'l. See Agreement No. 1495 Amendment C-8245 10-11-67