Roseville Block 22 Card 1
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 22 CARD 1.tif \Lots_ 1-2 Permit to Ellen R. Breen, 1067 Lincoln Ave., to change frontage & erect two residences facing on W~llow, Zone R-1. (Ord. 32 N.S.) Res. 69796 8-15-1939 \..Lots 11 & 12 ~(SW Permit to Mrs. Joseph Wickstrom, 1122 Locust St., to suspend Ord. 32 NS 50 1) to allow res, SB 15' on Willow St. Res. 72965 12-24-40,Lots 7 & 8 11 II \. \. Lot 5 DENIED permit to Jose & Mary Rodriques da Silva and Antonio & Deloris A. Gonsolves to divide intwo 2 parcels to front on Evergreen St instead of Carleton St, as originally subdivided. Res, 1589 6-20-46 CITY COUNCIL sustained action of Zoning Committee in denying permit to Jose & Mary Rodriques da Silva and Antonio & Deloris A. Gonsolves. Res. 83626 7-9-46 AGREEMENT A6~0 of Ernest & Helen Silva to use property only as sgle fam res & lower floor will never be used as separate living unit apt. 1-24-50 r Lots 1,2 Permit to Victor & Lottie Lundy to constr approx 7'6" x 13' catwalk, 10' ni above ground level, obs O' interior side yd on botn lots, wnere 4' int sideyd is req- NE 50' of Lots 1,2 and sw 50' of lots 1,2, at 1203 Willow St betw Carleton & Byron Sts., Zone R-1-5, condl. '------------------------------------------------ C-10298 N.H. 1-19-71