Roseville Block 232 Card2
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 232 CARD2.tif ROSEVILLE BLOCK 232 Card #2 Lot 2, Xppeai~wascapproved, overturning the Hearing Officer's decision to deny the variance, KEVIN AND KIMBERLY CARR sought a variance for the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) to exceed 0,60 for the constructon of additions to a single family residence. The applicant is proposing to remodel the existing one story residence with proposed additions on the first floor and add a second story. The existing single familyl residence plus propsed additions will have a totoal of 2,886 sq. ft. of habitable area on the 5,-00 sq. ft. lot and would constitute a 0.58 FAR at 3438 Browing Street in the Rl-5000 Zone. 99-0649 12-8-99