Roseville Block 25 Card 1
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 25 CARD 1.tif ROSEVILLE Lot 10 " " II II II " " " II II II " II " " II Block 25 Card t Cond~ permit to L. May Hume & A. E. to alter appearance of barn at 2931 creation of lamp shades. Roberts, owners, & B. E. Soby, lessee, Carleton St & use for gift shop & Res. 1283 1-17-46 Extension of l yr. to above. Res. 1949 12/19/46 AMENDMENT to Res. 1283, Claire S. Lugo, lessee, specialty fabrics. as extended by Res. 1949, to above owners, and to permit operation of gift shop and to retail Ext. of 1 yr. on Res. 1949. Ext. of l yr. Res. 2755. Ext. to 6-30-51 to Res. 3680 DENIED permit to operate retail no employees, to A. E. Roberts, 2931 Carleton St., Zone R-4. Res. 2485 8/27/47 Res. Z755 12/31/47 Res. 3680 1/26/49 Res. 4384 & 4386 business of draperies & antique furniture, L. May Hume, o~ners, and G. N. York, lessee Res. 7965 12/23/53 APPEAL OVERRULED to Res,7965 w/permission to operate above business for 3 yrs. CC Res. 116201 l-14-54 Permit to Walter H. & L. May Hume, owners, & Albert & Alice Rob~rts, lessees, to operate real estate office in exist bldg. at 2931 Carleton St. to 6-30-56. Res. 8836 3/30/55