Roseville Block 25 Card 3
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 25 CARD 3.tif ROSEVILLE BLOCK 25 \0 Card No .3 Lota 5 & 6- Permit to Margaret E. Morton to const a commercial bldg with eave projection to encroach 41 over req 101 planting strip on Shelter Island Dr. & Scott St., at 2904-2906 Shelter Is1and Dr. betw Rosecrans and Scott Sta,. Zone C-lA, Cond1 l. AGREEMENT #1451 to keep sinks {10/26/66)Caae No~ 7821 (N.H.) 8-1-66-----------------------------------~--------------------------------------,+ot~9- ~ermit to San,Di~go TI'l.lst & Savings Bank to ~evelop as customer parking lot for use by ~an Diego Trust & ~avings Bank located on Commercial zoned prop adj; parking lot to be enclosed by 5' high solid block wall other than way of ingress and egress; parking to obs 0' JB on Carleton St. where parking must be 18' from curb and 3' inside front prop line; (See C-7894), at 1205 Rosecrans St. betw Shelter Island Dr. & Carleton St. Zone R-4, aond'l. c.u.P.Case No. 7877 9-23-66 viot 4- P~rmit to San Diego Trust & Savings Bank to develop as parking lot for San Diego Trust & Savings Bank and to eliminate req 10' landscape strip adj to Shelter Island Dr. but to provide landscaping on public prop, (See C-7877), at 12~5 Rosecrans St. betw Snelter Island Dr. & Carleton St., Zone C-lA, Cond'l. Case No. 7894 9-23-66--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 6- The Asst Z.A. considered the app of Margaret E. Morton to erect one post-mounted 5 1 x 10', 16 1 high double-faced, interior lighted ID sign, pole of sign encr 7 16 11 and edge of sign encr 10 1 into req 10 1 landscape strip at 2904 Shelter Island Dr., Zone C-lA, & has DENIED the app for sign as requested, but AffROVED a sign attached to the bldg with not more than one ft proj over the landscape area & APPROVED a gas lighted torch on a sing pole with no sign on the pole, Cond 11. (This pole & torch is D.K. in landscape strip. Case No. 7879 9-29-66 AMEi~BMENT DENIED to include two more signs. (12-18-66