Roseville Block 25 Card 5
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 25 CARD 5.tif "ROSE VILLE BLOCK 25 Ol"S \Q- Card #5 Lots 5-8- Permit to La Vetta Burkett, Margaret E. Morton, owaers and T:r.ader Mort's, lessee to constr new kitchen & to convert two apt bldgs to offices on lots with exist liquor store & restaurant, resulting in 2.54:l ratio of parking to bldg area where 3:1 ratio is req & to provide 5' planting strip along Scott Str. & Planting strip ranging from O' to 10' along Carleton St. where 10' strip is req on Scott St. betw Shelter Is- ladd Dr. & Carleton St., Zone C-lA, condl /. L_ 70 d C-9942 7-1-70 ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 1 to 12- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Community Plan Implementation Overlay Zone Permit to CALIFORNIA FIRST BANK, to construct a commercial building located at the north side of Scott Street between Addison Street and Shelter Island Drive, Map 165, C-1 Zone. CPIOZP #88-0436 8-26-88