Roseville Block 252
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 252.tif ROSEVILLE Lot 10 Lot 2 Lot 4 Lot 2 & por. Lot 97, Pt. Loma Villas Block 252 Permit to Louise w. Fletcher, 3527 Dumas St, to erect 1-rm addn to res w/4' SY & RY 16 1 & covge 42~. Res 73483 2-25-41 Permit to G, I. Ebner to erect one sgle fam res on lot & E. 31.76 of Lot 91, Pt. Loma Villas, on Curtis St., Ely from Chatsworth Blid. a parcel of land w/51.04 1 st frntge. Res. 1688 8-1-46 Permit to E.T. Padfield to constr solid bd fence approx 27' lattices top, total ht- 7 1 6'1, 3520 Curtis St Res. 4-349 12-28-49 Permit constr to Bert F. Ebner, owner, & Walter M. fireplace projecting into SY, res in Res 6568 Mc Kellar, purhh. to 2 1611 SY, 3538 Curtis St. 6-25-52 Lot 10- ZA APPROVED Yard Variance request of CHARLES AND BIANCA RHODES to (1) construct a one-story addition to an existing, two-story, single-family dwelling; said addition resulting in an increase in floor area of.01 where the existing structure exceeds.60 the max. permitted; (2) maintain a one-story garage converted to a bedroom with full bath and attached to the dwelling; said converted garage obs. a 1 1 rear yard where 4 1 is required; (3) maintain said converted garage obs. a 1 1-1 11 SE side yard where 4 1 is required, located at 3527 Dumas Street, Rl-5000 Zone, Airport Approach Overlay Zone, Coastal Height Limitation Zone, Peninsula Communtiy Planning ARea. Conditions. C-21023 11/6/93