Roseville Block 29 Card 1
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 29 CARD 1.tif.. .-..-.,.;..: ROSE'II~ Lot 11 Lots 7 & 8 Lot 11 Lots 7 & 8 Lots 7 & 8 & 11 Lot 1 Block" 29 Ol~ Card j,1 variance to Ord. 32 NS granted to Kettenburg Boat Works (G. W. Kettenbu:g) to allow addn to boat works at ft. of Dickens St. for 2 yrs. Res. 73219 1-28-41 Permit to Geo. W. Kettenburg to erect 22' x 40 1 bldg for painting & general use. Res. 178 8-12-42 Permit to above w/bldg of boats granted by Res. to maint 24' x 40 1 bldg for storing lumber in connection now conducted on Lots 7-10 for 2-yr period, as orig. 155 Res. 2064 2-15-47 Permi: to above to maint 22 1 x 40! bldg for painting & general use in connection w/ bldg of boats now conducted on property for period of 2 yrs, as orig. granted by Res. 178. Res. 2065 2-15-47 Cond 1 1 permit to alas Geo. W. Kettenburg, Jr. to continue maint of 24 1 x 40 1 & 22' x 4o bldgs, 2821 Dickens, for storing of lumber & for painting & genrl use. Res. 3881 5-18-49 Permit to Conselho Evangelic Portuguese Full Gospel Tabernacle to erect a Sunday School bldg in connect w/exist church bldg w/7' RY at 2848 Carleton St, Zone R-4 Res. 5078 11-1-50 Lots 2 thru 11_ 0 Permit to Kettenburg Boat Works to conduct boat bldg. etc., Carleton, Blk 29 & all Blk 28 Dickens & Shaffer Sts. Res, 5824 9- 5- 51 SEE: C-3749- Blk. 28