Roseville Block 30
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 30.tif ROSEVILLE BLOCK 30 Lot 10 & NWly 37\'-Lot 9- Permit to Selma T. Iverson, Estella M. Cardoza, owners, & Bank of America, purchaser to oper parking lit in R-4 Zone in conj w/prop bank in adj C Zone, on Dickens St. between Rosecrans & Scott- Sts, Cond' 1. C-406 4-23-56 Lot 6- Permit to Frank Naso to constr retail commercial bldg. covering 50% of lot, (25% perm) elim the req 10' plant strip on Scott St. in order to prov off-street parking for 9 autos on Carleton St., NEily car at Scott,, Zonr C-lA. C-4909 5-22-62---------------------------------------------------------------------------~ N-25'-Lot 8- S-12\ of Lot 9- Permit to Continental Service Company/ Bank of America to develop prpperty as parking and drive-through facilities for existing bank facilities on lots immediately adjacent to the south and west at 2911 Dickens Street between Scott and Ro~crans Streets, Zone R-4- Cond'l. L, C-12,558 5-7-74 Lots 7 & 8- Permit to Val P. Farrell, DVM to use peoperty for Veterinary Clinic on S/W corn of Dickens & Scott St, Zone C-1. COND'L c-13,673 7-2-76