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Development Services

Roseville Block 33

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 33.tif R(13EVILLE 'Lots 1 & 2 (front 50 1) C Lots_:_Jl & 2- N Lot 10 '- NE 50' Lots 11 & II II Lot 9 Block 33 Permit to E. F. Sheffield to erect resid 10 1 from PL on Carleton St Res. 66318 8-3-37 DENIED req of Charles D. Willits for suspension of R-1 (Ord. 32 NS) to allow duplex dwelling. Res. 70450 12-12-39 Permit to Tony posal & bath Evergreen. & Evon Batista to erect sgle fam res w/sink & garb dis- in basement rumpus rm, cond 11, Dickens betw Willow & Res 7654 8-5-53 12 Permit to Elmer J. Blackwell zoning but prior to 12-5-54 to Willow, R-1. " 6 mos. extens. to C-1805 & 1806 to constr res & gar on pare obs 5' SB on Dickens & avge C-1805 & 1806 to 10-27-58 Jbucmtt AGREEMENT #128 to Tralante to build on fam res. split after of blk on 4-25-58 8-22-41 '-Lot:)&4- Permit to John D. Atherton, administrator C.T.A. of the estate of J.ohn Davidson I to constr. a 2-story single fam. dwel. on Lot 3 reaulting in (1).640 floor Area Ratio with (2) access to req. park. across Lot 4 at 3228 Carleton St Zoned R-1-5,Cond' 1 C 13193 7-29-75 ~---------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 1~ thru IG- AGREEMENT to Joseph Bello to constr a sin-fam dwell with 2 bar sinks, one 1n th~ fam roOm,and I in master bedrm at 4770 Jellet St., Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2197 8-24-76----------------------------------------------------------~-----------~---