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Development Services

Roseville Block 40 Card 1

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 40 CARD 1.tif ROSEVILLE Lots 5 & 6 (SW 60') Ord. 12321 Lots l & 2 Lots 10 Lots 7 & 8 (NEly 50') I l 8, N2 Lots 7 & j/- Lot 11 llt> ~-'> Q~ 2- Suspend ord. to allow a Evergreen St granted to res w/ a 4 1 SY & SB 12 1 on Dickens L. 0. Stowe, 4535 Gresham St. St & 16 1 on 1-7-41 Res73073 Permit sites, prov a to Dorothy Anderies & Rosemarie Wilson to divide intwo 2 bldg ea 50' x 100' to face on Willow St, cor of Willow & Dickens Sts, 10' SB is maint on Willow & a 7' SB on Dickens St. Permit to Frank & Mary Drummond res, on SWly side of Emerson St be signed. Res 958 Rec. 5-25-45 1-24-4 to install 2nd kitchen in basement of betw Willow & Evergreen Sts, agree to Res. 8576 10-27-54 Permit to Oscar G. & Fay Williams, owners, & Manuel & Mary Gonsalves, purch, to constr res on lot split after zoning on NWly cor Evergreen & Emerson Sta, w/avge SB on both Evergreen & Emerson Sts. Res. 8781 3-2-55 Permit to O. C. Williams, owner, & Mary A. Brazil, purch, to constr res on pare split after zoning, the res to obs 12' SB, 1318 Evergreen St. R-1. C-1002 & 1003 2-8-57 Permit to Mariano & Betty San Filippo to constr sgle fam res wjbalconies res in approx 47i covee of lot where max 401 covge is perm, 3239 Emerson St, betw Willow & Evergreen Sts, Zone R-1-5, cond'l C-8184 7-7-67 \C,"