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Development Services

Roseville Block 42 Card 1

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 42 CARD 1.tif ROSEVILLE BLOCK 42 s Lots 7-8- Permit to Izabell B, Laserda to sell Xmas trees (Boy Scout and youth activity) on SWly cor Rosecrans and Emerson Sts. Cond'l. Res 8619 11-24-54 Lots 7-8- Permit above for same reason, same place from 12-1-55 and 1956, Cond'l, Res 9319 11-23-55 Lots 7-8- Permit to Edgar B, Hervey to sell Xmas trees, same as above- 12-57 & 12-58. cond'l. C-1510 11-8-57 Lots 7-8- Permit to above to conduct sale of Xmas trees 12-59 and 60 for benefit of Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Crippled Children (sponsored by Pt, Loma Kiwanis Club) same location Zone R-4. Cond'l. C-2961 11-27--59------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 4- Permit to Paul & Barbara Holz to use Lot 4 as a parking lot in conjunction with their office building on Lot at 1310 Rosecrans St. Zone C, AGREE #1915 12-13-73 Lot 4- Permit to Paul & Barbara Holz for perm to develop property for use as parking lot to serve retail stores loc immetialely adj. to the south in the C Zone on Dickens St. betwn Locust and Rosecrans Sts, Zone R-4- Cond'l. C-12,302 11-30-73 ~-f-:.~?.;:.~t..----------------------~--------------------------------------------