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Development Services

Roseville Block 46

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 46.tif.....-. ROSEVILLE Lots 11 & 12 & por 1 & 2 Block 4b Permit to Karl A. Henschele, to operate a nursery in Zone unsightly signs. lc,c;,}D <". ID ' 1365 Rosecrans St. (revocable at.any time) R-4 (Ord. 32 NS) no noise, odors, or Res. 6~23 4-4-39 Lots 11 & 12, exc SWly 25 1 Permit to Mr. & Mrs. H. G. Lewis to erect a bubing sign 12" x 12 1 long on side of bldg, not st frntge, at Rosecrans & Fenelon Sts. Lots 7 thru 10 Lots 5 thru 10 cc 102288 of 6 21,51 Res. 552 5-31-51 Permit to Robert C. Gordon & w/24 units served by 4 1, 10' Scott Sts. M. O. Medina to constr 2-st, & 12 1 access cts, on Wly cor Res. 8837 37-unit apt bldg of Fenelon & 3-30-55 Permit to M. o. Medina to constr coffee Motel by converting 3 of exist 37 units R-4. shop & bar on prem of Outrigger at cor Fenelon & Scott Sts. CUP C-3109 3-30-60 Por Lot 4- Permit to Dorothy & Rose Ventura to const: (1) an addn on the ground floor of exs nonconf residence, res in 49% coverage; (2) to obs a l 1 611 side yd; (3) a 4 1 stucco wall obs a O' front yard; (4) to obs a 10' front yard at 2918 Emerson Street. Zone CA. Conditions. 9-21-77, C-14605.