Roseville Block 49
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 49.tif ROSEVILLE Lots 5 & 6 i 'id~ Lots 1 & 2 Lots 1 & 2 uit 9 Lots 5 & 6 (NEly 50').. Block 49;I Permit to Harold L. Caulkins to build houses facing 20' SB & w/ a 10' SB on Emerson St, Zone R-1.:'~ Ever@reen St., maint Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. DaGraca on top of exist ret wall in frnt of Emerson Sts. Res 67668 5-31-$8 to constr a concrete blk wall, 4 1 hi, SB 11, most Ely cor of Willow & Res 3250 6-30-48 AGREEMENT 539 to Jose Eugenio da Graca & Clotilia Josephine da Graca, to maint a door from kitch into gar in new home 5-26-48 Agree to JOHN & MARY DRUMANDO to build a home, but not subdivide the home for Uf,e of more than one family. AGREEMENT #444 (no date) Agreement to Clifford & Elda V, Byson to maint exist auxiliar bldg. as a shop & storage rm & as a wash rm w/toilet fac in conj. AGREEMENT #271 2-14-44 Lot 3- ZA considered request of CARL A. SMITH & JUDWIGA B. SMITH to constr. 2-car garage bldg. with a master bedroom on top 1) observing a 12' front yard where 15' is required; & 2) observing a 11 611 side yd where 4 1 is reqd at 3228 Emerson St., Zone Rl-5000 & has DENIED as requested but APPROVED a variance to constr. a 2-car garage bldg. with master bedroom on top observing 12' front yd where 15' is reqd with cond.------------------------------------------------------------ c-1~8..9_~____________..a;._91...a~-----