Roseville Block 5
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 5.tif ROSEVILLE Block 5 18 ' Lot 2 The Diocese of San Diego Education & Welfare Corp. to provide parking for exist church on the same lot; (1) parking spaces obs 0 1 street side yd on Addison St where 8' is req & O' front yd on Locust St where 15' req; (2) eliminate req landscaping on both streets where minimum 40% req in front & street side yds, in 3100 block Addison St, Zone R-3. Cond. C-13785 NH 11-2-76 Lots 33 & 34- Agreement with TONY BRANCO to construct a two-story detached accessory structure containing a three-car garage on the lower level and a storage area with no plumbing on the second story with outside access only located at 3430 Trumbull Street. Rl-5000 zone Agreement No. 4764 09/20/90