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Development Services

Roseville Block 50 Card 1

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 50 CARD 1.tif RO.SEVILLE Lota 5-8 inc. & Emerson St. clad adj. Nly 85 1 of Lots 7 & 8 Lots 5-8 Lots 3 & 4 & Sly 20' of Nly of Emerson St clsd adj to Lots 1&2 Lots 3 & 4 & por Emerson St clsd adj " "- S. 35' Lots 1 & 2 & por of st clsd adj.... ~ ~ ~. -. BLOCK 50 it, Permit to Paul Challet & H. E. Moore to divide into 3 bldga 1 sgle fam res on ea, prov a 15' SB is main on Willow St. Res 1918.II, CARD.. sites, 'lrm 12-5-46 Permit to Paul Challet to constr res & dble gar & maint a 10' SB on Fenelon St at Willow. Res 1919 12-5-46 Permit to Paul Challet & H. E. Moore to redivide Lots 5-7 and por. Emerson St clsed, adj into 3 parcels, facing Willow St & to constr or permit sgle fam res on eac, prov 15' SB is obs on Willow. Res. 3155 5-19-48 Permit to H. E. Moore to res, with only 20' of st use said parcel as a bldg site for a frntge on Plum St at Emerson St. Res. 3505 sgle fam 11-3-48 Permit to Florence C. & E. Evan Shaffer, Jr. to constr sgle fam res on pare having 20 1 frntge on Plum St, w/ROS, on Emerson St clsd betw Willow & Plum Sts. Res 8788 3-16-55 Extens of 6 mos. to Res 8788. Res 9207 9-28-55 Permit to Harold C. Frederiksen to constr res w/45% covge (40% perm) on Plum betw Dickens & Fenelon, R-1 C-1401 9-6-57