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Roseville Block 55

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 55.tif ROOEVILLE Lots 1 & 2, 11 & 12-~~~~~ Block 55,.,,/ /I-(" * 1 CD~.Q O ~:;, 't' '1f, Replat into W lots facing Plum St, cor lots on.Fenelon & Garrison Sts.," ea to be 70 1 x 100 1 & center lot, 60' x 100', pxiov SB alg Fenelon & Garrison Sts are maint & 10' SB maint on Plum St to FRANCES S. ROSIE by DONALD SIMISON, 1222 W. Arbor Dr. Res. 73479 2-25-41 Lots 5 & 6- Permit to James H. & Jean Leighton to const a 14'9''x25' fam rm addn to exs sfd obs 9.5 1 rear yard at 1402 Willow Street. R-1-5 Zone. C-14381. 7-19-77. Por Lots 7 & 8- Permit to Joseph V. & Carlota Silva to const two-story addn over exs nonconf afd: (l) addn to obs 5' front yard on Garrison Street (exs dwelling obs 5' front yard on Garrison and 6 1 front yard on Willow Street); (2) to res in,69 FAR. Permit DENIED. 1428 Willow Street. Zone R-1-5. C-15454. 10-10-78. Por Lots 7 and 8 (SW 50')- Permit to Patricia Fletcher (Stinton) to const a sfd: 1) to obs a 10' rear yard; 2) two parking spaces obs O' sb in the front yard. 1420 Willow Street. R-1-5 Zone. Conditions. C-15368. 9-6-78. Lot 10- AGREEMENT with HUGH G, STORY to remodel dwelling and relocate kitchen- existing kitchen sink to become laundry sink at 3327 Garrison St., Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #3164 9/20/84 Lot 9- AGREEMENT with WANDA JEAN JARDIM to convert existing family room to 2-car garage & add hobby room with outside access and interior access to stroage area & 3/4 bath, at 3319 Garrison Street, Map 165, Rl-5000 zone. Agree# 4003 5/19/88