Roseville Block 6
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 6.tif ROSEV1 LLE BLOCK 6 It!/ Lot'l- Permit to Marjorie Kerr Gustin, Owner and San Diego Federal Savings & Loan, Pl!lr. to use property as parking for bank on car Rosecrans & Addison Sts., 3045 Addison St., Zone R-3, Cond'I. amend to permit add'I driveway (5-14-76) C-13366 1-22-76--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 14 & 15- AGREEMENT with RON SONNIKSEN to construct a two-story addition to an existing SFD, said addition to consist of a den, master bedroom w/full bath, addition to have inside access thru the living room and separate outside access, at 3333 Ullman, Map 423,Rl-5000 zone, Agree# 3993 5/12/88