Roseville Block 62 Card 2
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 62 CARD 2.tif ROSEVILLE Lot 3 " SW 50 Lots 1 & 2 Lot 3 Lots 1 & 2 Parcel 2 Block 62 Card ' Permit to Ralph I. & Mgt. M. Clark, gwners, & Richard& Frances Creas lessee, to constr 7'11" x 20" dble-faced neon pole sign, pole to obs 5' SB & sign to obs 3' SB (16 1 req) 2930 Garrison, R-4. C-2116 Permit above sign in the SB area (ZV) C-2115 DENIED req Wm. E. Lucas III, owner, signs except one small window sign, TABLED APPEAL DENIED & ZA dee. sustained to operate real estate R-4; 1453-55 Rosecrans C-2248 5-8-59 10-31-58 10-31-58 office, w/no 12-30-58 6-17-59 Permit to Ralph I. & Margaret M. Clark to oper 11-unit motel (discont for 2 yrs) at 2930 Garrison St, R-4. Cond'l C-5250 10-19-52 Permit to Edw. & Audrey Zielski to constr 2 dble-faced, inter lited ID signs, one 4 1 x 14", one 8 1 x 4 1 6" on same pole obs 0 1 SB where 15' is establ at 1461 Bosecrans betw Garrison St & No. Harbor Dr., C Zone,cond'l C-9049 1-9-69